Space Husky, Boldly Going, With Luggage: Cold Start

Cs Hillmanspaceship

It’s way, way too late at night and I’m trying to get this Wagoneer review done because David and I have been putting it off way too long but the days are so very busy and then it’s night and here I am and if I do a Cold Start now maybe I can get a bit more sleep, so here we are. All of this means that the Cold Start you may get to start your day will likely be less about facts and research, and more the near-hallucinogenic products of a tired brain. That’s why you’re looking at the interior of a 1957 Hillman Husky that I’ve crudely drawn as a spaceship.


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Right above is the brochure I saw, and you can see the cutaway that made me want to take that and stick it in space and draw on ion engines and stuff, because somehow the look of that just kind of felt spaceshippy. Something about the overall shape; I wouldn’t say anyone inside is particularly properly dressed for a day in the cold void of space, and I don’t see too much in that luggage that looks like it may help. Still, I’ve placed them whizzing along toward, say, Barnard’s Star, ready for a day at the beaches under a red dwarf.

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The Husky was a pretty traditional but appealing little wagon, even if the space utilization wasn’t all that great, even if Hillman wanted to convince you that it’s somehow like two cars in one. I think the crux of their argument is that 1. it has seats and B. it has an area for stuff. Okay, Hillman, whatever you say. It’s like two cars.

Also, I bet I’m the first person in like 60 years to imagine a Hillman Husky after a spaceship, following in the footsteps of some unknown and very bored British kids on a roadtrip.

16 thoughts on “Space Husky, Boldly Going, With Luggage: Cold Start

  1. I was looking at the ad and went, “wow, that’s a relatively long hood compared to the proportions of the car. Was that artistic license?” So I went and checked images, and wow, that’s a relatively long hood – at least to the eyes of someone who has become accustomed to modern cab-forward design. It’s not unattractive though, and perhaps that means there’s a little more space under the hood to do stupid engine swaps?

  2. I once saw a Husky with an AMC four swapped in… well, *mostly* under the hood, anyway. I imagine doubling the displacement made it go like, well, a rocket.

  3. I can’t believe they missed the opportunity to put an actual Husky into the picture. Lancia’s marketing department would like a word…

    Also, I wonder if the spare tire could be used to provide a small amount of emergency thrust for avoidance maneuvers, as well as functioning as a bouncy projectile weapon?

          1. The first 1/3 is exactly the same as Number of the Beast but diverges once they get to Mars. I reread Number then dove right into Pankera for maximum enjoyment.

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