Take The Hardest Taillight-As-Sushi Identification Quiz Ever

Sushiquiz Top

I’m not going to lie to you. We’ve been through far, far too much together. I’m short-staffed today, the only editor, and it’s Friday. I’m riding the ragged edge here, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve the best automotive content I can give you. But what is “best?” That’s a subjective term, isn’t it? Couldn’t “best” be, say, something goofy and fun and taken from a concept I did a few years ago back at the Old Site? Of course it can! Hell, I did that same thing just yesterday!

In this case, at this moment, with the time I have available, I’m happy to say that “best” is now a quiz where you try to figure out what taillight is being referenced in a hand-drawn bit of sushi. That’s right, everybody! It’s time for the Great Sushi Taillight Quiz, and this time, I think it’s the hardest one yet!

I did the first one of these back in 2019, and I hadn’t wanted to repeat myself. But then I realized, well, why should The Old Site be the only place for Taillight Sushi quizzes? They shouldn’t? I came up with them, and I want to bring taillight sushi joy to all of you Autopians, here on the site I helped create. And, just for more fun, I think this batch is even more challenging. So, who’s feeling like a big shot? Ready to identify some sushi taillights?

As always, each drawing depicts a piece (sometimes pieces) of sushi composed of seaweed, rice, salmon, and tuna. Each piece is designed to look like a specific taillight. Put your guesses in the comments, and I’ll have a link to the answers below all of the sushis:




3.Sushi3 4.Sushi4


Okay! I feel like some of these are obvious, and some are deceptive, and one is likely pretty obscure. Here’s the answers! Make sure you put your guesses in the comments before checking the answers! Be honest, now!


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38 thoughts on “Take The Hardest Taillight-As-Sushi Identification Quiz Ever

  1. Ummm. This looks suspiciously like the private lunch menu at Le Lumiere. What’s next, Torch? Will you be displaying our semaphore seafood and amber wine selections to the unilluminated?!! Is nothing SACRED?? Honestly, I’m crying in my beer-filled 59 Caddy stemware as we speak.

    1. I’d wear that. It’s low key brilliant. Caters to the car nerd ego perfectly. Says “we know what we got” without actually saying it. And only other car nerds would get it.
      My graphic designer wife is on it..
      No wait.. she’s ordering sushi…
      Do they have crab rangoon?

        1. (screen printing squeegee in hand)“Stop.”
          “No.. the ink is perfectly blended.”
          “This silkscreen work is immaculate.”
          “He’s got a point.”
          “This isn’t our artwork.”
          (sets down squeegee disappointedly)

  2. I guessed none correctly. I speculated that because of the amber lenses none were US domestic lights , but that’s as far as I got. I’m so ashamed … and hungry.

  3. I’m so annoyed and exasperated by the insanity of the article and the obscurity of the answers that I can’t even be bothered to comment.

      1. How about photos of real sushi that we bought, started to eat, and then stopped mid-bite as we realized it looks just like a taillight from an obscure Belgian-market-only Spijkstaal tow tractor.

        I think there’s a solid 17% chance we could stump him with one of those.

      1. Thanks for the link. I actually got 4 out of 10 of those. Torch skunked me on this batch. Brazilian market Chevette? That’s not even fair….

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