The Autopian Is Honored To Be Honored By The Webby Awards In The Perfect Category

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We’re not in this for the money, or the accolades, or the accolades that come with money (I’m looking at you MacArthur Grant-taker and climate expert Peter Gleick). We’re in it for you. And because people give us cars to drive. But mostly for you. Still, it’s an honor to be honored as an ‘Honoree’ by the Webby Awards.

The Webby Awards are presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences and are the “leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet.” They’ve existed since 1996, and for the last 28 years, the awards have recognized the best and weirdest on the web.

Weirdest is important because we’ve been selected as a Webby Honoree in the Websites and Mobile Sites – Weird category. That fits. While we’re not up for voting because we’re not one of the top finalists, it’s still great to be recognized, especially considering that our fellow nominees include a project from Google and Mr. Beastify. Definitely go vote in the category for the website you think is the weirdest.

“Congratulations! Earning the distinction of Webby Honoree, as recognized by the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences is a significant achievement,” Webby Awards President Claire Graves told me in an email letting me know about the distinction.

Are we letting this go to our heads? Yes. We’re definitely putting the honoree sticker on all our project cars going forward.

Thanks for reading!

Webbystatue 2 Copy

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89 thoughts on “The Autopian Is Honored To Be Honored By The Webby Awards In The Perfect Category

  1. Outstanding! When will the Autopian version of that Webby logo be available for us to covet? I’m thinking a round sticker with the Autopian A and the fuchs wheel behind the Webby logo…

        1. There’s people that would pay to see naked Torch, David, or Adrian. I’m not one of them because I don’t swing that way, but just saying.

  2. Great Job! Next stop a Pulitzer nomination for extensive work in aerosolized battery lead impacts on taillight recognition from 150 yards away.

  3. The headline made me think you guys had been given an honorable mention for a literal “perfect” category. As in a Webby Award For Being Perfect.

    Weird Category makes more sense but I wasn’t going to argue with perfection.

    1. Pretty sure it would have to go to his heart to do that.

      Regardless, we as a collective do not recommend the Webby Award be ingested or implanted, even if it sort of looks like it could be used as a stint.

      1. It would make a decent roto-tiller for clearing plaque or oil-clogged arteries. And technically speaking, that doesn’t count as implantation or ingestion.

  4. Oh no, does this mean that the subscription prices are going to go up now? 😉

    Congratulations to the entire Autopian staff!

    Signed, a paid subscriber and a fellow weirdo! ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ

  5. Why does the phrase ‘sit on this and rotate’ come to mind? I digress: congratulations! You guys are just like West Virginia, weird and wonderful. What’s that? It’s ‘wild, wonderful, West Virginia’? Whatever, it should be weird. Anyway, congrats, again.

    1. That, I think, will not be a problem.

      I believe this site exemplifies HST’s saying that,
      ”When the going gets weird,
      the weird turn pro!”

  6. Torch sounds excited, but we all know he’s just trying to conceal his immense disappointment that the Autopian got a combined zero Best-Of nominations from the American Dental Association and the American Council of Churches.

  7. Now you need bumper stickers that say: Proud Reader Of A Webby Award Nominee that people can put next to their Honk If You’re Horny and My Other Car Is A Zamboni bumper stickers. But, people, please remember the rule of 3: If you have more than 3 bumper stickers, you are in fact a psychopath.

          1. Genesis is fine as long as it’s pre-“We Can’t Dance” That album, subsequent 79,653 different compilation albums and Phil’s solo stuff have been registered as potential war crimes.

    1. That rule also works for cats and cars (although for cars it is PER person, so a household can have more than 3).

      Edit: obviously the car rule does not apply to rich people who are able to put more than 3 cars inside a garage

    2. Well, I have 3 Autopian stickers right next to each other on my bumper so I’m right on the edge…I do want more stickers though…ha ha

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