The First North Carolina Meetup Was A Success Because No One Kicked Us Out Of The Parking Lot We Had No Permission To Use: Cold Start

Cs Meetup Changli

I’m quite tired, but also delighted, because the First North Carolina Autopian Meetup and Changli Rodeo happened, and it was, I think, a smashing success. For one thing, we did extremely minimal planning for this, and the parking lot in Changli-distance we used was not, how would you say, officially sanctioned. Because we didn’t actually ask anyone. But who needs asking when you have so many fantastic Autopians, driving their amazing cars to meet, look at cars, talk about cars, and, yes, maybe see my gross surgery scars!


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Considering the short notice, we had a great turnout of people and cars, with members of the Triangle Rad group showing up with a number of fantastic, Rad-era cars, including a great Nissan 200SX, maybe the nicest (and fastest, since I was told this thing makes something like over 280 hp at the wheels!) Ford Escort GT! Img 9634 Large Img 9648 Large

The 200SX has some really delightfully ’80s-style taillights, too, with an integrated Venetian-blind/louvered effect on the upper tail/brake light section. Oh and there was also this amazing Subaru-powered VW Vanagon:

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Those bumpers, by the way, are absolute battering rams.

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Oh, and this fantastic entire family showed up! I had the Changli out and available for anyone to take a little spin in, and they all piled in for a go. Then they showed me their incredible family car:

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Yes, that’s a JDM Toyota Land Cruiser Prado! This looks like a second-gen one. It’s smaller than a regular Land Cruiser, but still very capable and plenty roomy. It’s such a fantastic family car! Those kids have it good.


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Look at this fantastic ’69 MGB! Three wipers and all!

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Look at all these car-loving car lovers out there, loving cars! My Pao is back there, too!

Cs Meetup Group

Look at this fine-looking crew, braving the cold! What’s behind them?

Cs Stratus Pizza

Why, it’s our own Stephen Walter Gossin’s very own $225 Dodge Stratus, covered in pizzas! It’s like a dream, realized!

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Also, did you realize just how incredibly well pizza boxes burn? They’re so well-soaked in grease, these babies go up like pressed napalm. But better-smelling!

It meant a lot to me that so many people showed up, and that so many had nice things to say to me regarding my still being alive after the aortic dissection. Generally, many seemed in favor of my continued living, which was a huge relief, since if my not being alive focus-grouped better, David might very well choose that path for me.

Seriously, though, thanks for coming to everyone. It was a blast, and we’ll do more!


71 thoughts on “The First North Carolina Meetup Was A Success Because No One Kicked Us Out Of The Parking Lot We Had No Permission To Use: Cold Start

  1. I did a horrible thing to some taillights once.

    In the UK that S12 200SX would have been badged a Silvia, and mine was a 1.8 turbo. It cost me 700 quid, which is cheap enough that I could downholster it and strip it out for track use.

    It wasn’t the car I really wanted though, I really wanted an R32 Skyline GTS-T, and what I really, really wanted was an FC RX7 turbo.

    You know what those two cars have in common other than RWD chassis with standard fit LSDs and prices I couldn’t afford? They both have four round rear lights. The perfect number and shape of taillights.

    The Nissan had the big blocky rectangular 80’s lamps as pictured above, and each side had a long rectangle of sidelight lit by two bulbs each side.

    I pulled the bulb holders out, got some 2” diameter corrugated aluminium ducting and crammed it in the rear lights. Ten minutes of fettling later and I had four round taillights.

    I loved that Silvia. I once pulled over to pick up a hitchhiker in the rain, and he took one look at the stripped out interior, with the race seat and harness on my side, and just the standard seat and belt on his side, and decided to walk instead.

    I bet my round taillights looked amazing as I drove off.

  2. This was a great gathering and the first of what I hope will be many more in the area.

    We were proud to be able to bring in a little convoy from TriangleRAD and it was so much fun to meet such passionate Autopians.

    The warmth of the community definitely helped counteract the chill in the air!

    1. Oh and thanks for the pics and comments on my 200SX! I always thought the taillights on the Mk I S12 (’84-’86) were cooler than the ’87-’88 Mk II lights, but you could only get the V6 model for ’87-’88 so I stand by my choice.

  3. I couldn’t stay long, but it was a great meet-up that made me determined to find more car people events. I am never not surprised that people are interested in the MGB, but so happy to talk about it.

  4. Looks like I missed a great meetup! Glad it went so well.

    I’m be back down that way on Friday most likely to pick the Saab up from its failure point in West Virginia, and pay a $1600 repair bill ????(wheel bearing, knuckle, axle, and some brake parts)

    Really should have just driven the Prius, but alas, I made the fun choice instead of the practical one.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear you got stuck! We’d have loved to have had you! If we do another, find me and tell me who you are and I’ll give you an Autopian T-Shirt!

  5. That was a great time. I even half-accidentally cornered DT to talk about my (suspension) problems, but he and everyone else were just so gracious and kind and even offered a lightly used rag to wipe pizza grease off our hands.

    There were also offerings of wire to appease the Changli, lest it become a burnt offering itself.

  6. I was so tempted to try and steer my wife into letting this be our anniversary weekend trip, but the Eastern Shore won. If you do one in NC again, I’m in!

  7. I don’t have any cool/unique cars like y’all, but if I still lived in the Triangle area, I would’ve loved to have been there.

    Especially for the pizza. I work in the car business. Pizza is almost part of my pay plan.

        1. I get it: I’ve passed up several because of the long drive. This was just 5&1/2 hours round trip for me. Only stayed 2 hours because David was checking the weather and said that realistically, they only had until sunset to pull work on Marshal: “So, we’ve got till 7, right?” I told him it was at 5:30–and that was my cue to depart

  8. i didn’t think i’d ever experience these levels of FOMO but i’m really glad you’re back on your feet Torch. that pentastar oil cooler got in the way of me attending but i’ll definitely be out at the next one!

    1. Ahh, the dreaded Mopar oil cooler failure. That was my first attempt to work on the pentastar block, now I have mental scars. Another year and I might feel comfortable working on our Pacifica van again…

      1. this was at least a client’s 2015 Grand Cherokee so access wasnt a *huge* pain, but my garage is starting to get cramped (one client’s e30 m50 turbo build, one w140 resto, my x5d, my wife’s GL350, my daughter’s power wheels and scooters).

        what i really need is S P A C E but commercial real estate in/around my ZIP is prohibitive so i’ll just continue being the neighborhood mechanic by eve and a Quality Engineer by day

        1. > what i really need is S P A C E but commercial real estate in/around my ZIP is prohibitive so i’ll just continue being the neighborhood mechanic by eve and a Quality Engineer by day

          Are .. are you me?

              1. i have lots of hairs on the bottom and sides of my face. even some above my eyes. but the big round part at the top is bald. and i have an occasional cut or two from all my wrenching endeavors. ah well, so long, almost long lost twin.

        2. Well I’m here, not sure how I can help with the price of land.
          Maybe a motivational quote:
          “hang in there, you’ll save up enough to move away someday.”

          1. some day isn’t soon enough, Space. I need my 60×60 warehouse six months ago.

            or a home on two acres where i can build a shop to my liking. then youre welcome to be part of my life.

  9. Not sure if the site has the bandwidth, but a photo of every Autopian fan’s vehicle that showed up would be fun. A bunch of those that I spied in the photos would be dream garage ones for me. Perhaps an idea for next time?

  10. I’m glad to hear that you are well and the Changli is running. I eagerly await hearing back from David with regard to the gift he is presenting you.

    And that 3-wiper MGB is awesome.

    1. After my HS car died I ended up with a 3-wiper B which was a PTSD inducing nightmare of a purchase but it had the cleanest windshield of any car I’ve owned since. Of course the convertible roof didn’t seal at all so every drop of rain those 3 wipers moved ended up in my lap but at least I could see where I was going.

  11. That looks like a ton of fun! Thanks for the post and pics. I realize you’d have to trailer the Changli, or check it as baggage, but if there’s ever a Denver area meetup, I’ll be there!

    PS- So glad you’re still not not-alive! Also, did anyone do surgery on the Changli to fix its electrical plumbing problem?

  12. Wish I could’ve made the trip up, but I had to spend the day under the house dealing with a cold-induced plumbing dissection of my own. Good to see that you’re out and about and that a great time was had by all. Maybe next meet up.

  13. It was great meeting so many people yesterday, and seeing Torch for the first time in 30+ years since the wrestling match. I wish I could have stayed longer but had a lot on my to do list. Also the family in the JDM Toyota Land Cruiser Prado live in my neighborhood and it was nice to finally talk to them after being mesmerized by their truck everytime I pass their house.

  14. Just recently my wife expressed some interest in moving to the Durham, NC – a place that is completely foreign to me. I wasn’t enthusiastic, to say the least, UNTIL I saw this post! A rag-tag bunch of local rad era car enthusiasts surreptitiously gathering to eat pizza and talk about cars??? My people! I’m freaking IN!

    1. It was pretty cool. I’m hoping that Autopian is the grain of sand that reforms pearls of car-community around it.

      It was also really pleasant to feel like everyone has/had a place as long as they’re into cars. There’s the funky stuff from the pictures, but I saw an overlanding-looking Lexus that I loved and there was a Hyundai .. Elantra? Sonata? In the mix.

    2. The Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill car scene is eclectic, fun, and active year-round. Our largest local Cars and Coffee brings in 3000-4000 cars every month. At that event, I once photographed a $2,000,000 1-of-29 Porsche 959S parked next to a dealer-clean 1994 Toyota Tercel. Now that’s eclectic.

  15. damn it!!! how did I miss this??? sigh. How were the BLTs – I’ve heard they’re fantastic. definitely need to attend the next one.
    Kudos on a blast of a gather during your recovery!
    :scott in durhamtown:

    1. That Escort is stealth cool! The turbo plumbing and front-mount intercooler installation is quite well done. He was quite casual about it, but I can only imagine it’s a bit of a handful when the boost comes on.

    1. Fun fact about the Changli: if you’re not paying attention and forget to take the parking brake off, the readout optimistically shows your speed even while motionless. For a split second, I thought I had broken it

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