There’s An Entire Race Track For Sale, Here’s What We’d Do With It Given Unlimited Funds

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In the film Glengarry Glen Ross, Al Pacino’s salesman character unfolds a glossy pamphlet of real estate and starts into a breathless spiel. Despite the fact that Pacino knows this is a worthless Florida property, he pitches it as something his hapless customer/target cannot resist. I’ll try my best to match his exemplary performance on this absurd idea.

Life changing opportunities don’t come that often. You can’t take anything with you in the end, so when a chance to improve our lives and the lives of all of our colleagues, you have to reach for it. A tightly knit community like us Autopians is far stronger together than apart, but lacking a physical space to make that happen lessens our chances of deepening those bonds. There might be a solution.

About two hours from the Detroit metro area, there’s a race track called Grattan Raceway (Mercedes Streeter and Mark Tucker mentioned it a little while back). The two-mile, ten-turn course includes a 3,200-foot straight; staff members and commenters that are familiar speak rather highly of it. Just outside of Grand Rapids, it appears to be in lovely rural surroundings:

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Grattan Raceway

The property features all sorts of treats for motorsports enthusiasts like a 1.25-mile motorcross track with a 40-rider starting gate. A swimming pool and ponds for fishing are just some of the amenities that it has to offer. As luck would have it, the current owners are apparently looking to pass the torch onto a new buyer.

Grattan Raceway

Can you say Autopian Utopia? Gearhead paradise? As I said, opportunities like this are rare. Automobile driving clubs are not a new thing. A good example is the Inde Motorsports Ranch in the high desert of Arizona.

Inde Motorsports Ranch

Besides the track, there’s garages for your cars, small ‘casitas’ for you to stay in, plus the ability to arrive by your own private aircraft.

Inde Motorsports Ranch

The Ranch is billed as having “first class facilities,” but our “Autopia” should be the compound that will show the world what first class REALLY looks like.

Now, the Ranch is located in a place where the weather is always rather decent, but it’s an hour outside of Tucson and quite far from where any editors reside. Our racetrack, Grattan, is only a few hours drive from the Motor City, a place where The Autopian no longer has someone readily available for the frequent launches from the Big Three at a moment’s notice. There’s also a big midwestern contingent of our readers within Friday night driving distance that could enjoy this paradise in all seasons (sure, Inde offers year round enjoyment, but you can’t ice and snow racing there, can you?). Let’s buy it!

Better yet, what if, at the far end of the track, we built Phase 1 of the ultimate automotive oasis? Looking a bit like a moon base, the different round “silos” each serve the individual needs of enthusiasts looking for time away from the Real World.

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Grattan Raceway

Whoa! Can we take a closer look?

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Grattan Raceway

What the hell are we looking at? Maybe it’s better to explain how a typical Saturday might play out for you as a member of this exclusive club. You could start your weekend by flying in and landing your small plane on that long straight with guidance from the air control tower. That’s the big advantage of a long straightaway; legally it could be used as runway before and after races (or smuggling in contraband from Colombia to help pay for this place, but I didn’t just say that). Pop your bags into a complimentary side-by-side or Changli to get to the main building.

You enter through the side lobby to drop your things off in one of the fourteen guest rooms in the two-story tower (with a helipad on the roof), then come back to the round dining hall and bar. The central kitchen is covered in rusted metal walls to honor our founder David Tracy, while the cut-flat pelt of an old Yugo pays tribute to Jason Torchinsky. Maybe there’s an RC car race about to happen on the floor below (it’s technically the “basement”, but there’s windows all around the perimeter so it won’t feel like it), or you can relax at the swimming pool next to it.

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In the center, trivia nights can take place in an outdoor patio area with reflecting pool; the prominent Autopian logo glows underneath in color changing light dramatically after dark. Covered walkways take you to the other facilities like the Wrenching Center with seven bays and the giant event space/meeting hall where cars can be brought into, or Jason can make a presentation on the history of automotive lighting while dressed as his alter ego, Blinky The Indicator God, with oversized late-seventies GM turn signal stalk in hand. He’ll wear that costume for Blinkycon Festival Of Car Lights 2024, where we’ll drink Blinker Fluid (sort of like Long Island Iced Tea but with green coloring) and S.W.’s band will play; it’s going to be off the hook. Here Jason is modeling the costume and recreating the cover art of Neko Case’s Middle Cyclone album:

ANTI- artist press page

Above the meeting hall is an apartment for visiting staff or VIPs, though Jason and David will still likely end up sleeping on the floor of the same room. At the far end of the complex, a smaller tower contains the Autopian Midwest offices, and the penthouse above that is 2 bedroom / 2 bath where the caretaker/full-time resident would call home. I might have convinced a certain staff member to be said caretaker with the garage below that can hold up to eight or nine cars, which would be enough for most sane people but the caretaker needs to keep cars elsewhere in Autopia as well.

Here you can see that outside the offices, where the Eternal Flame Of Dead German Cars burns for machines that have finally proved to be too much for staff members, with flames shooting from a Check Engine Light shape. This is actually a nice, warm gathering point during winter months after a day of tearing up the property on snowmobiles. There’s also a driveway and carport for staff or the caretaker (speaking of “check engine” lights that won’t completely go off, there’s a certain staffer’s E61 in the driveway).

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Notice that there’s plenty of balcony and roof space for viewing of races across the whole track. There’s paved parking for guests that staff members appear to be filling with their own cars. Or buses. Additional garages already exist across the property, and more could easily be built to house member’s toys.

What will something like this cost? Do we care? A few top level “Connoly Leather” memberships should pay for it in a couple of years! In a world where grown men travel to Vegas for fantasy football “drafts” or pay thousands to play golf on That One Course, does a dopey utopia for car people seem that crazy? Well, yeah, it kind of does. But we can always dream, right?

Can we at least plan Blinkycon?


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97 thoughts on “There’s An Entire Race Track For Sale, Here’s What We’d Do With It Given Unlimited Funds

    1. It’s one inch deep and when you park in the middle it rotates slowly, making it the perfect spot to leave a car to stare at it.

      In honour of DT it’s salt water.

        1. Big splashies are all well and good until your paper air filter gets a snoot full of it! I thought I had wrecked my engine until I got home and found a soggy air filter was choking the poor thing.

    2. It should be fine, as long as the trunk is empty and the nose is sticking up in the air like our 1973 412 wagon did. That is, if you’re talking about a Type 4 VW, in which case I’d suggest getting a different car in general.

      1. Aww, I love my ’71 VW 411! It’s a good terrible, garbage son. It took some of the low-water crossings down here like a champ at the last Gambler 500—with a full frunk, no less.

        I think you’ve convinced me as long as it’s not salt water: time to ford that reflecting pool.

  1. This article is much more in-depth than I had expected when I clicked. The Yugo pelt is my favorite part. A good choice too, since Yugos are light enough that you could hang it with those 3M sticky hangers, or just a bunch of velcro or something.

  2. What else does a proper Autopian resort/race track/lifestyle retreat need? Its own self-serve junkyard… yeah, that’s it. Heck, use it to subsidize memberships, hold events, etc.

  3. For what it’s worth (and probably not much, considering the limited number of tracks I’ve been to), Grattan is basically a low-rent Mid-Ohio. All the features, sinuous, changing camber turns, elevation changes etc you expect to see, you can find at Grattan. It’s a very fun track, whether you have 200 hp or 800. Not to be understated, the fact that they allow/encourage you to camp there overnight between track days is a huge benefit – low-cost lodging, lots of other car-folk to go share a campfire with, the hosting club is encouraged to put on a meal etc over a weekend… it all adds up to some really good fun. If this becomes the Autopian’s new midwest bastion of automotive oddities, I’m down as long as they still allow camp-outs!

    1. Ha, camping at the track is why I crave a Cayenne with a roof tent. I’ve made do by pitching a tent elsewhere in the paddock or claiming RV space from friends, but staying on-site and embracing the stank (…especially if it’s humid MSR-Houston) beats schlepping off to a hotel any day. The track is where the party is!

    1. I’m with you. I’d love to have an off-road bike and a place were I could ride it (I live in an urban area with very little access to that sadly).

      That would totally be my idea of a great vacation: showing up at the autopian hang out and riding my bike around for a few days with whomever else happened to be there.

  4. No lie, if it came with partial ownership of a racetrack, even one a thousand miles away from me I’d figure out a way to throw a few thousand into this. It isn’t realistic and I totally get that, but damn it’d be amazing!

    1. Buy up some inexpensive properties across the US near main hubs of transportation.
      Build a few of these attractions just outside of major cities.
      Toss in some charging stations and…
      lawyer up against BP?

      Life could be so much better.

  5. First when I saw the indicator guy I thought he or she is the cutest mascot ever, but now after reading it is Torch having a god complex I feel kinda weird… But well, who I am to judge, maybe a cute Torch-god could work.

  6. I like the eternal flame idea. A lot-and happens I have a 1/2 sheet of 1/4” steel & a cutting torch. Hmm

    …anyway, you forgot the backforty tree line. You can’t tell me Autopinians are not gonna buy bad decisions and stash them here away from disapproving family.
    So, what are shares going for? I’d sell the BMW to buy in. Then I could blow up the Subaru there, park it on the tree line, and take the bus home in shame…no: that timeline sucks! How’s this gonna work, again?

    Ya know, I bet, collectively, we could make a Lemons race look like a F1 event in comparison if we all showed up in our beaters one weekend.

    1. I just take issue with this “giving up” thing. Give up? On a car?! A German car?!?!!! WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?

      You get back in there and don’t come out until it either runs or blows a hole through the block.

      1. I need more of you writing on this site cause you make me feel seen for over spending and overinvesting (time, money, energy) in German crackpots. Mercedes has definitely paid her dues, but we need Parsh Queen!

      2. Who’s giving up? I ain’t giving up!
        -I figured buy-in would be more than I could get for the Subaru, is why I mentioned selling the BMW.
        I mean, if I can compound the folly of throwing away my liquid assets on a frivolous, high-mileage Roadster by gloriously blowing it up on a track, well, where do I buy a ticket?

        1. Allegedly that’s what the memorial is for—cars we’ve given up on. I say no! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!!! No???!!! Then I want you to get back in there and make this crapcan FLY!!!

          1. Ah, I see now
            No: after seeing it, I’ve been mulling about how I could actually build one just cause it would be a cool fire pit alternative. I plan on messing around with some piping & propane, but I’m projecting that it’ll be tough for me to get that intricate a shape reasonably small.

            -for the record, grew up in air-cooled VWs, and have had German cars in my life with few & short gaps since. Only, this is the first time I’ve owned one with OBD2

  7. I have one issue with this design.

    We do NOT need a helipad.

    What we need up there is a Death Ray ™.

    Now, you may be asking “What does a club dedicated to automobiles, RVs, and other motorized contraptions need with a Death Ray ™ at their clubhouse/competition center?”

    I will tell you why we need a Death Ray ™! What is the #1 cause of demolition and destruction of our nations beloved tracks? It is encroachment by the bane of every 80’s movie youth center and pretty much the villain of every episode of Scooby-Doo AND Captain Planet!

    I speak, of course, of that evildoer THE DEVELOPER!!!

    If we were to band together and acquire this haven, it would just be a matter of time before they came for us, too!


    If we have a Death Ray ™…

  8. I love Autopian. So much care and thought went into a single post on this crazy idea.

    You didn’t need to do the renderings and the layout, but the post is so much better for it.

  9. This may mean something to you, it may not, I don’t know.

    Train car smells…cafe au lait after sex…where’s my car…no, it’s 5 days, I was on the board when we wrote it.

        1. It’s a dream cast and they’re all at the top of their game. Hard to believe it’s essentially filming a play yet the impact is far greater than hundred million dollar action movies.

          1. I’ll go to the extreme – it has more lasting cultural relevance than both Avatar movies put together.

            And now I want to both buy a racetrack AND watch it again. It’s no way to treat a man.

              1. I generally feel the same way about Tom Cruise…he’s in some of my favorite flicks, does a great job, but can’t say I find him personally admirable.

  10. I was on the team that created Desert Bus For Hope and am currently working with Driver61 to fundraise his goal of driving a formula car upsidedown. Hit me up. I’ve loved you guys for twelve years and would be beside myself to help

  11. What kind of dining experience can we anticipate? Shower-prepared spaghetti, I hope.

    Also, there needs to be an exhibition hall of Holy Grails. A 5-speed ZJ to start, natch.

      1. Ok not going to lie that would actually be pretty cool. A valve cover cake mold would be awesome! Though making it with an actual valve cover wouldn’t be quite the same look since the underside isn’t usually very good looking, even when not covered in oil.

  12. This tornado loves it.
    I think they could do with building a multilevel garage closer to the main building, one with lots of mechanic bays to fill with projects. Folks could drive around looking in vain for an open spot while all the incomplete projects they pass by and ogle act as a memento mori. Also they could try drifting in it to recreate a scene from the best Fast and Furious movie (Tokyo Drift).

    1. More garages for wrenching and parking would be needed but there’s already extra garages on the property (and we could build more). Was thinking the Wrenching Center would be more of an educational facility, and place for filming wrenching content. Or something like that.

    1. I love that Borgward so much.

      Eagles Canyon got hit with the ice-and-snow blast a couple times when I’ve gone for Lemons. “Clear the track, maybe? Oh no, it’s hopeless. I think [team] got stuck.” is the only time I’ve ever run practice laps in a press truck.

      1. Clearing the track at Inde in someone else’s press car (what with me not being press and all…) was the only time I’ve run practice laps at all. I’m otherwise firmly of the opinion that I’d rather have the car break during the race, when it counts.

        I will say the press car turned faster laps than the Borgward but the Borgward was a lot more fun.

  13. ”(or smuggling in contraband from Colombia to help pay for this place, but I didn’t just say that)”

    Don’t you have to have IMSA sanctioning for that?

      1. Yeah, the Whittington brothers and the Pauls. Sheesh. The Whittingtons were running nitrous oxide in their car at lemans. Bought the team with a cooler full of cash. It would make a great movie if only you could figure out who would play Paul Newman.

    1. I can picture the scene: A small plane without lights lands at night, a large bundle is manhandled into a nearby pit garage, and the plane takes off again.
      Inside the pit garage, the lights are turned on, and the in the middle is a pallet full of white, plastic wrapped bundles. David walks up with a knife and stabs it into the top.
      That’s when they realise they’ve been conned! It’s not really cocaine, Torch has been smuggling in air-cooled VW parts from Brazill disguised as coke!

  14. I’ll always have a warm spot in my heart for Grattan. It was the first track where I was able to hot-lap, and also where I later took my first track driving school – Shout out to the Badger Bimmers, the Wisconsin chapter of the BMWCCA!

  15. Your idea isn’t as crazy as you may think it is. Look up Autobahn Country Club ( about 50 miles from Chicago. When they opened I think they were charging 25K application fees + 5K / year to maintain your membership, and they definitely don’t seem to be lacking for members.

    1. Yes, that one is near me, and they’re actually popping up in a number of locations across the country. The Chicago area one proves that they don’t all have to be in the sunbelt!

      1. Well, I learned something… I don’t know why, but I always thought The Bishop was Adrian Clarke‘s day-dreaming alter ego… But Bishop being near Chicago and Adrian near London can’t both be true at the same time… (right?)

    2. Yeah, it’s a pretty common thing nowadays. Monticello up in NY seems to be doing well with a sinilar idea.

      (I just need a damn job so I can take my Harris Hill membership off hold. Probably the biggest thing I miss: tracking the cars. Dammit.)

    3. Autobahn is where the area LeMons race is held. It’s a bit of a drive from the city proper, but the complex honestly seems pretty great, at least as a spectator. If I were independently wealthy I’d absolutely have a membership.

      (The fact that the whole LeMons ethos is antithetical to the guys using the other half of the track with their Ferraris and high-end Porsches and ridiculous purpose-built cars and private paddocks and timeshare condos was some bonus fun. The snooty looks from the members driving through the roundabout while guys were thrashing on their hacked-up LeSabres and dented Miatas and cars with wooden rockets bolted to the roof was well worth the trip out there.

      And that’s the thing, for me. Sure, have a Jurassic Park-esque main compound where no expense is spared, but have a place for the regular shmoes to run their Yugos, too. That’s what an Autopian track would be in my mind. Give us the Shitbox Showdown Series as well as the Bring a Trailer Specials.

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