These Little Latches Have A Funny Nickname I Bet You Can Guess: Cold Start

Cs Toiletseat1

This weekend I was at the Hilton Head Concurs, wandering around and devaluing all the cars I approached within a few feet, when a saw a really novel little sky-blue car with the face of a cowfish but the presence of a lithe little champion. It was called an Arnott, and it has a fascinating story that I’ll be covering in more detail soon (the only race car to be built by a woman-owned firm!) but for the moment I just want to show you one detail you’ve likely seen on countless race cars, and tell you the nickname it has. Because it’s funny.

The detail are those little hood/trunk latches that have little flip-up covers and use a hex key to lock or unlock. These things:

Cs Toiletseat

You’ve probably already guessed, but the nickname for these are “toilet seats” because damn, they look exactly like a toilet seat. I mean, if I piss off a witch tomorrow and she transforms me into a little mouse or vole or something, I’m going to get one of these and build myself a little toilet, because I don’t care what I look like, I am not shitting on people’s floors or in their cabinets.

I think I’ll take out the spring in there, though. I don’t need the lid to pin me on that seat.

26 thoughts on “These Little Latches Have A Funny Nickname I Bet You Can Guess: Cold Start

  1. Someone should make tiny little stickers of a toilet paper roll for one side and a reader’s digest on the other.

    Kind of like those bullet hole stickers that were all the rage 20 years ago, remember?

  2. I’m a total nerd for panel fasteners on cars, and esp. their evolution. You can imagine how something like this on race cars evolved into the pin-and-post or turn lock ones as pit stop speediness became a tactic for victory.

    “Do you have the key? Who has the key? It’s on his keychain!? Why is it there?! No, don’t do that, just shut the engine off and gimme the entire thing! Argh…just reach down and get it…it’s under the seat!”

      1. Yeah, that low tiny grill is unfortunate. They look fine with racing numbers between the headlights, but that blue one looks like Kermit did when the puppeteer would sorta purse his mouth to show dejection

      1. Weeeelllllllll, technically it’s because the car had a Coventry Climax engine in it, from Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., which was owned and run by a man. But still, a bad name to go with a bad car…

  3. This fastener is called a Dzus fastener. They can also be found on many old British sports cars such as the TR series Triumph.

    The Dzus fastener, also known as a turnlock fastener or quick-action panel fastener, is a type of proprietary quarter-turn spiral cam lock fastener often used to secure skin panels on aircraft and other high-performance vehicles.

      1. This might be just inspiration for, or a precursor to, Torch’s next piece about installment of how cars would have been designed differently if we all had tails, or an inflexible carapace.

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