This Must Be The Greatest Culinary Mistake Ever Made At A Car Show

Glorious Error Ts2

It’s hard for me to even call what I’m about to show you a mistake, because it is absolutely glorious. While at the incredible Galpin Car Show yesterday, I ran upstairs to the Aston Martin dealership and hung out with Autopian cofounder Beau in the VIP section, where there was a harpist playing songs from Sting and Michael Jackson. There were drinks, there was good breakfast and lunch, there was delicious crème brulée (I won’t lie, I had to look up how to spell that; I’m more of a cobbler man), and there were watermelons. Engraved watermelons. Maybe you see where this is going.

This being a premium car show at a premium sports car dealership, naturally you’d expect the cars engraved into watermelons to be premium vehicles, and they were! (mostly). Of the three watermelons perched as decorations on the dessert table in the VIP area, two sat down below on either side of the tallest watermelon, which was clearly the “featured” melon meant to get all the attention. The lower melon on the left showed the front of the latest-generation Ford GT — a vehicle that had an MSRP of about $500,000, but which tends to sell for over a million these days:

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The watermelon on the right featured the rear of a 2005-2006 Ford GT, a vehicle that had a sticker price of about $150,000 back when it launched — a damn bargain, and frankly, something that my 14 year-old self should have (somehow) purchased en-masse and stored in a warehouse, as this generation of Ford GT tends to sell for about a half a million dollars these days:

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Two expensive, highly collectable supercars — totally appropriate for the VIP room of an Aston Martin dealership during a great car show. But what was the crown jewel of the three watermelons on that dessert table? What was the one in the middle, sitting up high for everyone to admire? Was it a rare Aston Martin? Was it a beautiful Jaguar or Lotus, since the Aston Martin building is shared by the two brands? Was it perhaps an iconic Land Rover, since that brand is also in the same building?


The crown-jewel watermelon in the Galpin Car Show’s VIP lounge in the Aston Martin dealership was…

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A Lada Niva.

Wait, what?!

Why the hell is the centerpiece of the car show’s VIP room a sub-$25,000 Russian off-road economy car? This is the equivalent of engraving a Subaru Crosstrek into a watermelon and presenting it proudly above two Ford GTs, except it’s even worse, because the Lada Niva — which is somehow still in production — is a 40+ year-old design!

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I get the impression that the vehicle was meant to be a Land Rover Defender, since, as I mentioned before, the Aston Martin showroom shares a building with Land Rover, but what’s actually carved into the melon is very clearly a Niva. I mean, just look at those two turn signals above the headlights, with that strong hoodline joining them. No other car looks like that. Then you have the round headlights connected via horizontal grille slots. The front bumper is simple and straight, and the wheel arches are nice and pronounced. Plus, the two doors and small overall profile — this is clearly a Lada Niva.

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It’s a hilarious mistake, and one that — as I mentioned in the first sentence — I’m hesitant to even call a mistake, because the Lada Niva is an awesome machine! It’s a tiny 4×4 hatchback with real off-road capability and cockroach-like longevity. The design has stuck around this long because it’s a great overall package — it’s small but spacious, it can go anywhere, and honestly, I think it looks great. It’s an honest little 4×4 — Russia’s Jeep Cherokee XJ.

I see charming little Nivas all the time when I visit my parents in Germany; Nivas, along with Suzuki Jimnys, are the ultimate alpine runabouts, and I think they’re fantastic. Obviously, sentiments towards Russia aren’t exactly high these days, but that’s not the Niva’s fault! You can like a car no matter who developed it, as Jason – our resident VW Beetle fan — can attest.


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So I take it back — this hilarious mistake by the catering company wasn’t a mistake at all, but rather a triumphant statement: Give the Lada Niva the respect it deserves, for it is worthy of that top-watermelon-spot.

I can support that.

89 thoughts on “This Must Be The Greatest Culinary Mistake Ever Made At A Car Show

  1. Perhaps a long running jab, then, at JLR’s expense.
    Years ago, I understand Aston was upset about the fallout between them and JLR for the access of some facilities (like the test track) at their formerly joint facility in Gaydon UK.

  2. David, dude. That is the most Autopian thing ever! How can you possibly think that’s a mistake? What is LA doing to you?

  3. I mean, the most exotic car is in the middle so I don’t think it’s a mistake. I bet there were a bunch of Fords at the car show, how many Ladas were there?

  4. Have anyone here acrually driven a Niva? I have, and I can guarantee that they are god awful as a car. Nice vintage tractor or a questionable side by side would be more accurate comparison than an actual car meant to be driven on roads.

    1. Not a Niva but I have driven another Lada product, an early 80s 2102. I liked it, it had character. It was simple and honest. I even had to perform a high speed emergency maneuver in it packed with 4 others and a trunk full of stuff. The car handled fine even on cheap, pensioner spec tires and I avoided a nasty collision.

      1. The round headlight one? I’ve never driven one, but I have travelled some distances in one and I can’t really blame it too much comparing to another cheap sedans of its era. However, the successor 2107 feels and is much worse even though it should be an update.

  5. I think whoever was in charge of carving the watermelons was clearly a car person… I’m on the side of this being a 100% intentional easter egg!

  6. Not sorry to be that guy, americans need to stop wasting food in general, but especially this way. It’s so fucking stupid, especially in a city like LA with plenty of people starving.

        1. It’s harvest season, and they are spilling from the trucks because they do not cover their loads. I wonder if anyone ever pulls over to pick up some free tomatoes…

          1. And the angel of the lord came unto me
            Snatching me up from my place of slumber
            And took me on high and higher still
            Until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself
            And he brought me into the vast farmlands of the California valley
            And as we descended cries of impending doom rose from the soil
            One thousand nay a million voices full of fear
            And terror possessed me then
            And I begged Angel of the Lord what are these tortured screams?
            And the angel said unto me
            These are the cries of the tomatoes,
            You see, Reverend Maynard
            Tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust
            And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat
            Like the tears of one million terrified brothers and roared
            “Hear me now, I have seen the light!
            They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul!
            Damn you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers!
            Can I get an amen? Can I get a hallelujah?” Thank you.

            Ooh! Free tomatoes!

    1. They’re still edible, so what’s the waste? Carved or no those babies would have hit the trash though. No one wants to deal with a watermelon, what a mess.

  7. The Niva has long had a cult following. You can drive it in the once popular pubg online battle Royale game. I remember a family friend’s son bought one in the 90’s to putz around in Toronto with when he was in his 20’s. If you’re going to love a Russian car, this is high on the list.

  8. Did anyone besides you actually notice? I expect most would have said “Oh look they carved two fast looking cars and a boxy off road thing into those melons. Anyway, where are the cocktail shrimp?”

  9. Here’s another crazy thought:

    The Watermelons were placed on the podium Olympics-style. So when the Gold medalist in the center was presented with the medal and the Russian national anthem started playing, Aston Martin execs would be seen going berserk.

    I guess if the silver medalist (Ford GT) won gold then the American anthem would play.Wait what does this have to do with Aston Martin?

  10. During the financial meltdown in 08 there was a 06 Ford GT at a RV dealer for sale. It was maybe late 09 and he had it for $75,000. I called him and he told me he took in trade for a RV and just wanted to get out of it. At the time I went back and forth, but having 3 kids under 10, I figured I needed to save for college. If I had only know that the GT would have been the better investment.

  11. I scrolled down this one slowly so I could get to see the middle melon before you gave the answer and the first thing that jumped into my mind was, “it’s a Suzuki Samurai!” While it might be wrong, it would have been even more awesome.

  12. I read “Lady Niva” all the ’til the last paragraph, and was about to start googling what features designated it as the Lady version…
    Face, meet palm.

  13. Those carved watermelons are cool!

    How does one go about finding a melon carver? How does one get into the field of professional melon carving? Do they just love carving pumpkins at Halloween so much that they decide to expand to other produce so that it could be done year-round?

  14. “Can you please carve a Land Rover into the watermelon for this event?”
    Of course!
    “Do you need reference photos?”
    I think I know how to carve a fancy off-roader, thank you very much! *Looks out at the Niva in the driveway*

    1. During setup:
      “Dammit, that doesn’t look like a Land Rover. Oh, well, no one will look that closely. We don’t have anyone from the Autopian slated to be here, right?”

  15. Engraved watermelons.

    Typically that process is called carving. 😉 That would have been great (and appropriate) here as it includes the word ‘car’.

    Having nitpicked, I must say that the watermelon-modder did a really nice job: we’re here debating Torch-level lighting details rendered in fruit!

  16. Hi, I am you person in law to be, er, if thats OK with you you sir I mean I would like to marry your offspring

    Very well, you seem like a passable sort of young person, what do you do for a living?

    I carve watermelons.

        1. No. I thought about it, but the carved watermelons were not meant to be eaten.

          Besides, the [parody] lyrics were not speaking too favorably about the Lada; it wouldn’t fit to add something pleasant like dessert.

          1. I would only be half surprised if Torch wrote an article about how DT dived into the watermelons with a spoon because he was thirsty, to Beau’s incredulous amazement

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