We Got A Thing That’s Called Waffle Love: COTD

Cotd Waffle Love

It’s Comment of the Day time, and once again I can’t help but be won over by a nicely done song parody. Last time around it was The Who’s classic Behind Blue Eyes that got appropriated for yuks in support of a Saab gag. Today, you’re in for a fresh glam-era ear worm courtesy of Dutch rockers Golden Earring, retooled for Matt’s delectable dive into car-shaped waffles.

Waffle Wow

But first, here are a couple of bonus jokes worthy of honorable mention, which shall be honorably mentioned forthwith:

Traffic Jam

Ah, ghostpedalsyndrome, we shall never tire of a simple, satisfying pun. Well done … but merely a warmup for this double whammy of puntastic delight!

Butter Mould

And with that, we arrive at our feature attraction. From Data comes this well-crafted riff on Radar Love, the massive 1973 hit that put Golden Earring on the map and remains a classic rock staple. Click that hyperlink if you need the melody loaded into your noggin before you savor Data’s ballad to fried batter:

Waffle Love

And that’s our Comment of the Day! Have a terrific evening everyone, we’ll catch you on the flippity-flop.

Image credits: Waffle car via Waffle-Wow.com; Eggo waffles via FoodServiceDirect.com/Kellog’s; Golden Earring: press photo 

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7 thoughts on “We Got A Thing That’s Called Waffle Love: COTD

  1. I really wanted to make a joke about the police car being a Belgian waffle, but it just didn’t fit the mould.
    It doesn’t look enough like an old Volvo Amazon or a more Modern S60 built in Ghent, and used as police vehicles.
    In fact, I can’t quite put any make or model to any of those snack cars that go great with fried chicken and honey mustard.

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