What Are Your Favorite Movie, TV, and Anime Cars That Aren’t The Usual Suspects?

Movie Cars Aa Ts

Make no mistake, we absolutely love Back to the Future‘s DeLorean time machine, KITT from Knight Rider, The Munsters‘ Koach and Dragula, and all the Batmobiles minus the Joel Schumacher ones. But for this round of cool-cars from the screens both small and silver, we want to hear about your favorites that aren’t the all-time greats. Not the usual suspects, as beloved as they may be. Give us your deep pulls. You know, stuff like this:

Hollywood Cars Collage

From the top, that’s the AMC Hornet James Bond corkscrew-jumps in To Live and Let Die, the Porsche 911 from Death Race (2008), Jim Rockford’s Firebird (performer of TV’s finest J-turns), and the hot-rod Fiat 500 from Lupin III–the directorial debut of Hayao Miyazaki. He’s done a few things.

So watcha got? Whether your picks are over the top (like the Damnation Alley Landmaster included in the top shot), super obscure (like the Italdesign Aztec from Frankenstein Unbound, also in the top shot) or just regular cars that are well-cast, we want to hear about ’em. And throw in some stinkers too, why not. There’s no rules.

See you in the comments!

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312 thoughts on “What Are Your Favorite Movie, TV, and Anime Cars That Aren’t The Usual Suspects?

  1. This is a bit off-topic, but Columbo is very underrated car show. Because that bad guys are always rich, pretty much every episode has classics from Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari, and others.

  2. Gotta love Harry Potter magick school bus. As a loner I think Christine and I could get along fine. I think crazy chicks and crazy cars are great. Especially if they help you set up an alibi. Not too mention self repairing who cares about a dui? Tun like a scorched rat cant be me no damage no repair work. And if i get the house as well SARA from Eureka and the tunnel driller.

  3. The Magic School Bus! I recently introduced my kids to both the books and TV show, and they’ve held up quite well.

    The light cycles in Tron.

    1. A few years ago someone did a series of paintings of the MSB kids as (very hipsterish) adults and a graying (retired?) Ms. Frizzle but they left out the bus! Seriously, a semiretired Magic Food Truck would’ve been great to see.

      1. I work with a science teacher who has some very Ms. Frizzle outfits & creative approaches to teaching too. Always kinda hope she’d go full art car on her Kia Soul to make a matching Magic Mini-school B.us.

  4. 1. The Man from U.N.C.L.E.: Piranha
    2. The Saint: Volvo P1800
    3. The Italian Job (original): Mini Coopers
    4. Get Smart: Sunbeam Tiger (Alpine)
    5. Get Smart: Karmann Ghia
    6. Mad Max: Holden HJ Sandman
    7. Thomas Crown Affair: Meyers Manx
    8. Fast Times at Ridgemont High: Brad’s Buick LeSabre

  5. Gadget Mobile from Inspector Gadget. The perfect one-car garage, with the people-mover van mode for DD, and 80’s wedge sportscar mode for high-speed pursuit! Plus couldn’t it like fly and go underwater and stuff?

  6. The Alpine A310 from NGE, the Monaco from Blues Brothers, the Satellite from Tommy Boy, and, I’m mildly embarrassed to admit, the Serow from Bakuon because dual sports truly are the best sports.

  7. The Lincoln Continental that Elliott Gould drives in The Long Goodbye was such a fantastic beast. Totally didn’t fit in with the rest of the 70s vibe of that flick, which is why it was perfect for Marlowe.

  8. The Ford Festiva from ‘Idiocracy’.

    If I were to ever do a Gambler build it would be the template.
    Complete with a big (hollowed out to be a cooler) styrofoam boulder on the back.

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