What Should The Next Autopian Renewal Pin Be?

Autopianpins Member Ts

As you may remember, we’re currently giving anyone who renews their membership at least one of these cool, limited edition Autopian pins (as well as a t-shirt and a thank you note!). If you’re Vinyl you get one pin, if you’re Velour you get two pins, and if you’re RCL you get all three pins.

Many of you renewed! More than we expected. It’s awesome. This also means that we’re starting to run a little low on pins, so I want to make sure we’re staying ahead of it this time.

In theory, this means that we should just order a few more of each of the designs we’ve already done. Or… we could get a new pin done, which is what I’m leaning towards. BTW, as a reminder, we currently have the Changli, an RV, and the Berkeley:

Render Autopian Micro Car (3) Render Autopian Micro (2) Render Autopian Rv (2)

And here’s what they look like completed:



These are made by Leen Customs if you want to get an idea of all the cool work they do. What would you like to see as the next pin? The Jeep Wrangler? The Pao? An i3? A Phaeton? An E39? A Boxster? We have too many cars, we need your help.

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97 thoughts on “What Should The Next Autopian Renewal Pin Be?

  1. I found a stash of old pins in my in-laws’ basement (vote Mondale, that period). None of them are car related but most are rusty, which feels Autopianish.

  2. I didn’t know I was supposed to get two?! No biggie, but my Berkeley is on my daughter’s backpack because she wanted the swag to show her PreK3 classmates.

    Project Cactus would be sweet (or another project car that ties this community together).

  3. Was the selection randomized, or was the Changli only for the richest of the rich Corinthian folk? I got the RV and Berkeley, both of them wonderful by the way.

        1. It makes the most sense to be random. Be weird to make such a limited number of one pin. I mostly saw an opportunity to make a stupid joke about the meaning of RCL.

        2. Same. I didn’t even know about the RV. When I renew next year, hopefully I’ll get that one. My Berkeley is collecting dust but I wear my Changli all the time.

  4. Perhaps Adrian could draw up a non-retro hot hatch of some sort. The important bit would be either a generic human bent down into the engine compartment or wedged underneath and waving a wrench wildly

  5. Additional votes here for a Smart car, a J10, and/or a Mondial (unless that would incur the wrath of Modena).

    M. Congeniality: Pao

    Not a car: the Autopian logo or a 10mm socket

    Initially I was thinking Torch’s Beetle would be good, but that would be another yellow car in addition to the Berkeley.

  6. The GREEP JEEP would be fun. The Mondial would be great. A Smart would be good, but it might be too similar to the Changli? The Cugnot Steam Drag would be a nice way to start conversations on automotive history. A Jeep Cherokee with a cat in the window would be a nice reference.

    The Cugnot is my official nomination, since I think the rest have been mentioned. But I need you to save one for me for my next renewal, because it is exactly the car I would pin to my lapel.

    1. Whatever it is, I’d like to see it have the Autopian logo on it. The Berkeley was a little bit of a disappointment because it didn’t have the logo (I also received the RV, so it wasn’t like I was completely sans logo). Maybe it’s just me, but I prefer them to be identifiably Autopian pins.

    1. Trying to visualize that. All I come up with is a disembodied hand holding the plate with another hand twirling a fork full, then the shower head above at an angle connected by the streaming water.

      this is why I’m not a graphic designer

      1. Perhaps the spaghetti itself is being extruded from the shower head into a colander.
        For the sake of simplicity.
        Disembodied hands are already an overused trope of graphic design.

  7. Honestly I’d rather y’all save the money and instead put it towards collaborations with tool companies either for discounts on tools, unique variants of tools, and or custom made tools that members can order before non-members and or discount codes.

    I got plenty of things that don’t do anything, I don’t need any more of them

  8. Well, since Torch got one of the Changli in there already, I love the idea of Tracy’s ZJ with kittens. Maybe Mercedes’ Smart Car? Perhaps Adrian’s Mondial. Potentially the Project Cactus Ute?

  9. I see once again Evil Matt neglected to mention my suggestion, which would be fit to grace the lapel or scarf of anyone of taste and distinction who happens to renew: a 1983 Mondial QV

  10. I got the RV and I prefer to believe it is an Ultravan.
    I would also love to have a ChangLi or Berkeley. Are those actual size?

    As for new ones, I vote for a Citroen, any Citroen.

  11. Maybe something commenter, rather than author, idiosyncratic this time?

    I hate to say it (b/c ugh from my pov), but how about some sort of vintage brown station wagon?

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