You’ll Never Guess Who Skipped Boyscouts To Watch Gilmore Girls: Tales From The Slack

Gilmore Girls

If you have not watched the long-running mother-daughter-dynamic-CW-near-comedy “Gilmore Girls” then you have not lived my friend. If you’ve watched all the way through the Netflix updates then you have, in some ways, maybe lived too long. I have a personal theory about why people love to watch “Gilmore Girls” and it’s not because the acting is great (it is), the directing is above par (it’s fine), or that the writing is sublime (it has its moments). My theory about why “Gilmore Girls” is so beloved is that it’s a show that’s the most fun to talk about.

Sure, you can chat about The Wire and novelistic golden age television until your face is blue, but every conversation ends with a begrudging acceptance that McNulty’s accent is pretty good and that we are trapped in structures we can scarcely control even with the best of intentions. But “Gilmore Girls”? Hot damn, I could spend hours talking about Lorelai Senior renting her house to Korn. In fact, there’s a podcast, “Gilmore Guys” that does just that.

As with all of our Slack Tales, our conversations are anything but linear and start in the most surprising of ways.

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As you know, once I start going in on pop culture, it never stops. Thomas tries to stick with it, but…

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Paris Geller is the best! Also, Doug’s cover is a reference to the diner at the center of the show. Also, Paris Geller:

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My assumption was that David would like this show. My assumption, however, was that David had not seen this show. I was wrong:

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Ok, slightly less amazing.

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Luke! Luke is great. [Editor’s Note: And he also had a cool old Chevy C20 Custom. -DT]. Also, this is the rare piece of pop culture that everyone except Jason seems to have an opinion on:

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Sure you didn’t…

Ok, for Tales from the Slack today we want to hear from members:

  • You can plan one dinner at Luke’s Diner with any three characters on the show. We’ll assume Luke is there to serve.
  • Who should Lorelai have ended up with?
  • Who should Rory have ended up with?

Get at it!

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53 thoughts on “You’ll Never Guess Who Skipped Boyscouts To Watch Gilmore Girls: Tales From The Slack

  1. I watched it, mostly because of a still-strong tv crush on Lauren Graham, but can’t recall the specific story arcs or character development enough to answer the questions. The rapid-fire banter between Lorelai and Rory was great and reminded me of ABC’s Moonlighting from some years before, and the quirky circle of friends and relatives were always entertaining.

  2. Man I have never lost so much respect for a group of people in such a short amount of time. Yeah Torch. You want tv talk about remember quantum leap, star trek friends?

  3. For what ever reason my mind read Gilmore Girls as Golden Girls, the 80’s sitcom starring Bea Authur and Betty White. The further I read this article the more confused I got at what was being said.

  4. Wait, David Tracy, of Highlander and toy hauler infamy, knows something about pop culture that I don’t? My whole world has been turned upside down! Black is white, dogs are cats, BMW drivers are using their turn signals!

      1. Everything is working on my desktop now, except after reading this I may not have realized exactly what I signed up for with the Gilmore Girls conversation. Guess I’ll need to add it to my watch list, and see if the majority of Autopians are right.

  5. Never watched the show, but I want to chime in on Jason’s wrangler comment. I used to work with a flamboyant gay man named Bubba who drove a Wrangler with a confederate flag attached. That is great breadth all in one vehicle.

      1. I do a full rewatch every couple of years, and will avidly consume everything Aaron Sorkin writes/directs/adapts.
        Even Studio 60, Adrian? Especially Studio 60.

  6. God Damn It! Now after watching a few clips of Paris Geller I gotta watch an entire fucking chick show. I could instantly tell that her alone would make it completely worth it. Thanks Matt, thanks Autopian, thanks Slack.

    Matt, I still want Slack access. Is there a membership level?

    Also, if you’ve never seen Bad Santa…

    • Paris, Lorelai’s mom, and the snooty French receptionist from the inn (Michel?). We would sneak in champagne and get drunk while we eye-fuck Luke.
    • Luke. (Is this really a question?)
    • Any Non-Dean human.
  7. I always mix this up with Felicity because my ex wife liked both shows. I laughed when I walked in to a scene where an art school kid from Felicity got hit by a bus when laughing because I had no context and it was hilarious how it was shot… I remember him waving and BAM- bus. I earned so much shit for laughing at it. I’ve not extensively watched either show. But, there should absolutely be an investigation of cars in the Fullerverse… Pushing Daisies and Wonderfalls have some great car/character matchups.

  8. If a town was that full of quippy smart people, it would most definitely implode. But they had a pretty good selection of cars.

    Which brings me to a question. Which non-car based show had the best cars?

      1. It was weird to see that they would have mostly the same cars while their technology was more advanced in most other ways. I kind of felt that an alternate history like that should have divorced itself from period-correct vehicles to sell that it was different.

        Good series, though.

          1. In season two, set in 1983 Thomas Paine (I think) has an EV and there’s a bit of a gag when he mentions the range (it’s pretty poor) and Ed Baldwin jumps in his Corvette parked next to him.

  9. This show is like North Dakota: I am aware that it exists and people talk about it sometimes; I harbor no animosity toward it but I’m fine with not experiencing it.

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